Organized! by Kristi Featured on Redfin

Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:
Common Home Organizing Mistakes Professionals
Always Notice (and Organization Ideas to Solve Them)

Organizing our homes is a goal many of us have, but with so many home organizing ideas
available, it may be difficult to find a place to start. It’s easy for a clean and organized home to fall by the wayside when life gets busy, but keeping your homes neat can improve your productivity and even relieve stress. After all, it’s hard to relax in a home surrounded by mess.

If your home feels messy despite your best efforts to curb the clutter, chances are you might be committing a common home organizing mistake to tackle the mess. We reached out to experts from Charlotte, NC to Honolulu, HI to share the most common home organizing mistakes they notice and organization ideas you can use to solve them so you can get your house back in order in no time.

Check out the full article and our feature here > Common Home Organizing Mistakes Professionals Always Notice (and Organization Ideas to Solve Them)