It’s Daylight Savings Time….Have you checked your Medicine?

In addition to changing the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, you should also look through your medicines and dispose of expired medicines. Expired medicines can be harmful to children and are ineffective against fighting illnesses.

Take care when discarding old medicines. Here are some tips for safe handling.

  1. Take unwanted/expired medications out of their original containers and mix them with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter.
  2. Put them in a sealable bag, empty can, or other container to prevent the medication from leaking or breaking out of a garbage bag. Call 1-800-882-9539 if you need help finding a collection site.
  3. Before throwing out the medicine container, scratch out all identifying information on the prescription label to make it unreadable. This will help protect your identity and the privacy of your personal health information.
  4. Do not give medications to friends. Doctors prescribe drugs based on a person’s specific symptoms and medical history. A drug that works for you could be dangerous for someone else.

In addition, April 29 is National Drug Take-Back Day. This initiative aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the public about the potential for abuse and medications. Look for collection sites near you.