April Newsletter

Welcome Friends! I’m the owner of Organized! by Kristi, a residential organizing company that serves clients on the South Shore of Massachusetts, including Cape Cod, and some parts of RI.…

Row of five Easter eggs in fresh green grass

Hosting an Eggcellent Party

A few years ago, I decided to have an Easter Egg Hunt. At the time, my son was 2 and we invited 10 friends over to hunt for eggs. He’s…

Organizing your Christmas decorations

Putting Christmas Away in an Organized Way!

I love putting up my Christmas decorations. I, like most of our retailers, have basically skipped over Thanksgiving to decorate for the best time of the year (in my opinion).…

Stuff that Stocking with Fun and Useful Stuff!

I love a good stocking. It’s almost my favorite part of Christmas morning. When I was younger, my mom put together a mean stocking. She’d find stuff that I’d never…

Grab the Wheel from the Instant Gratification Monkey

September 6, 2017 is Fight Procrastination Day! Are you a procrastinator? Do you have a daunting task that you keep putting off? Maybe a decluttering project such as the bedroom…

Don’t trash it! Recycle it!

Fact – the average American throws away 4.5 pounds of trash a day! With our hefty population, that equates to about 1.4 billion pounds of trash each day! Holy Cannoli!…

Taking Back Control from the Plastic Crap (aka toys!!)

So, back in April I admitted that I am a victim of Situational Disorganization. If you haven’t read that blog post, let me tell you that I had foot surgery…

Refrigerator full of food

Taking Control of the Fridge and Freezer

I don’t know about you, but I cringe when I look inside the refrigerator and freezer and see items strewn about. The fact that yogurt containers can be on multiple…

It’s Daylight Savings Time….Have you checked your Medicine?

In addition to changing the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, you should also look through your medicines and dispose of expired medicines. Expired medicines can be harmful…

Ideas for decluttering

We have a Situation Here!

I recently took an online class on fundamental organizing and productivity principles. The class talked about two different types of disorganization – situational and chronic. Situational Disorganization is a temporary…